We would be delighted to Baptise (Christen) your child. Read more here.
Tots and Teddies
Tuesday 10:00am All Saints Church
Tots & Teddies is church for pre-school children and the adults they bring with them. There is plenty of time for play and refreshments. Read more
Little Saints Wednesday Club
Wednesday 5pm All Saints Church Term Time only
Little Saints Wednesday Club is for age 6 - 11 years old.
Fun, Craft, Bible Stories, Drama, Picnic Tea Games
Children on Sunday
Children of all ages take part in our Sunday Worship, and we are exploring what it means to be a church where all ages worship together. We have developed a special pattern for smaller children to help them worship with shakers, sorry flowers, fantastic crafts and bubbles. Children are welcome to communion, to make a noise, as well as being part of our serving team.
First and Third Sundays 3:00pm All Saints Church
Open Space is our time for young people to get together with Fr. Eddie and other helpers to talk about faith and life, have fun and creatively pray and worship.